To: Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master Jermain Henderson, Elected and Appointed Grand Lodge Officers, Past Grand Masters, Past Grand Officers, Past Masters, Worshipful Masters, Wardens, and Brethren.
Be it known that I Andrew L Richardson Jr, Most Worshipful Grand Master, of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Mason Jurisdiction of Iowa Inc. do hereby proclaim Sunday, June 9th, 2024 as Saint John’s/Esther Day in the State of Iowa. This will be a joint service with our sisters from the Order of the Eastern Star.
I do hereby summons all Grand Lodge Officers, Past Grand Masters, Past Masters, Worshipful Masters, Wardens, and Master Masons holding allegiance to this Grand Lodge to assemble and convene in full Masonic dress for service at The Bethel AME Church located at 323 W 11th St, Davenport, Iowa 52803 at the hour of 9:00am.
St. John’s Day is not a Grand Lodge event. This is a Masonic observance, a day that all Masons by duty are to commemorate annually.
This proclamation is to be read at all Masonic meeting before June 9th, 2024.
In testimony where of I have set my hand and seal of This Grand Lodge to be affixed this 1st, day of April, A.D.2024 A.L.6024.
Andrew L. Richardson, Jr.
Most Worshipful Grand Master