About Us
Charity, Truth, and Loving Kindness
Our vision is to be a vibrant, thriving, Prince Hall Affiliated Grand Chapter; recognized for its charity, truth, and loving kindness - to ourselves and to all who reside in the state of Iowa.

Our History
On May 21, 1907 Naomi Chapter of Davenport, Alpha Chapter of Keokuk, St. Elmo Chapter of Burlington, Esther Chapter of Ottumwa and Silver Leaf Chapter of Cedar Rapids met in Burlington, Iowa and organized themselves into Electa Grand Chapter.
The founding officers were Royal Grand Matron Ida B. Palmer, Royal Grand Patron W.H.
Milligan, Grand Associate Matron Mate Clark, Grand Treasurer Hattie Tigges, and Grand
Secretary Flora Walker.
The first Grand Session was held in Cedar Rapids in 1908. The second Grand Session was
held in Clinton in May 1909 where all Grand Officers were reelected.