Charles Cherry
Bryant Robinson
Beverly Taylor
Kenneth Reed
June 5, 1878 First Tuesday of each month
at 6:00 PM
July 12, 1887 Cedar Rapids, Iowa
On June 5, 1878 Mount Olive Lodge was organized and placed under dispensation of the MW Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Ancient York Masons for the State of Missouri and its Jurisdiction by Grand Master Moses Dickson. Their first members were C. S. Gomer, W. M., Rev. Andrew Ford, S. W., E. C. Thomas, J. W., R. Comer, Treasurer, A. A. Pierce, Secretary and members William. O'Brine, William. Johnson, William. 0. Cryn, Peter Johnson, N. Johnson, T. R. Van Pelt, Peter Galloway, William. Rasberry, Green Butler, and Samuel Hutchinson.
On August 19,1879 Mt. Olive Lodge was chartered and assigned No. 86.
On April 23, 1884 members of Mt. Olive Lodge along with members from North Star No. 31 (the members who remained part of the GL of MO), Sims Lodge No. 50, Star Lodge No. 51, Clark Lodge No. 61, and Reed Lodge No. 79 gathered in the city of Keokuk, Iowa to form a committee to call a convention for the purposes of forming a Grand Lodge in Iowa.
On August 26th, 1884 members of North Star No. 31, Sims Lodge No. 50, Star Lodge No. 51, Clark Lodge No. 61, and Reed Lodge No. 79, Centerville Lodge, U.D., and Cedar Grove Lodge, U.D. gathered in the city of Des Moines and resolved themselves into a Grand Body of masons for the state of Iowa. Alexander Clark, Sr. was elected Grand Master and the name "the Most Worshipful Hiram Grand Lodge of Iowa"was chosen.
Much discontent remained with African Grand Lodge and Hiram Grand Lodge operating in the state. On June 15, 1885 the Grand secretaries of both Grand Lodges, Miles N. Bell of Hiram Grand Lodge and G.H. Cleggett of African Grand Lodge wrote a joint letter to both Grand Masters urging them to set aside their differences and work on a plan to unify Masonry in the State of Iowa
Both of the Grand Lodges met on the morning of July 12th, 1887, in their respective sessions at 10 in the morning and conducted business. At three o’clock in the afternoon, the joint bodies, totaling 20 Lodges (7 from Hiram Grand Lodge and 13 from African Grand Lodge), met in the Hall of North Star Lodge in Des Moines, Iowa. A resolution was made to unite and form the United Grand Lodge of Iowa, A.F. & A.M. on July 13, 1887. The vote for the resolution was 58 for and 53 against. On Thursday, July 14, 1887, George H. Cleggett was elected as the first Grand Master. Both Grand Lodges dissolved their old Grand Lodge names on this date and took the new name of The Most Worshipful United Grand Lodge of Iowa A.F. & A.M.​
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